
Collection: Lanoguard marine grade lubricants for marine automotive and leisure

Marine grade waterproof Grease, Sprays and Coatings. with anti-Corrosive, Anti-Seize and Protective qualities . very different and Superior to products you currently use. And, it's Made in the UK & Eco-Friendly too Properties include
  • Natural and much, much longer lasting
  • Salt, Acid and Alkaline resistant
  • Waterproof (instantly waterproof anything)
  • Jet wash resistant to 3000 psi or 200 bar (won't be displaced and will keep protecting after cleaning)
  • Petroleum resistant (so petrol or diesel spillage or leakage wont displace it nor mix with it)
  • Non-conductive to 70,000 volts (use on all electrics and circuit boards)
  • Prevents galvanic corrosion and cold welding
  • Prevents electrolysis (no more seized nuts and bolts or outboard motor legs!)
  • Non-evaporative (won't dry out like normal grease leaving un-lubricated or protected parts)
  • Heat resistant to 450 degrees celsius
  • Adheres to all surfaces
  • Non-leaching (won't spread to other adjoining surfaces and material)
  • Non perishing (safe to use on all rubbers etc)
  • Lubricating (amazingly low friction co-efficients)
  • Very low friction coefficient
  • Ecologically sound (can be used safely in marine environments)
  • Non-petroleum based (non-toxic or hazardous)